What is 'CARBON FARMING' or carbon farming and what does it consist of?

What is 'CARBON FARMING' or carbon farming and what does it consist of?

It is possible that the so-called 'carbon farming', or carbon farming, will be one of the new terms that we will hear most in the agricultural world in the coming years.
Our partner Sigfito gives us some clues.

Carbon farming refers to agricultural practices that help to store carbon from the atmosphere in agricultural soils, thus helping to prevent the greenhouse effect.

On 2 March, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias and the European project SOILGUARD, dedicated to this speciality, organised an online conference on this subject with the aim of sharing up-to-date information on carbon farming, a priority that France has set itself during its presidency of the EU.

Carbon farming, a good environmental practice

As mentioned above, carbon farming is a series of techniques that a farm can adopt to optimise carbon sequestration on its land, whether it be by farming or livestock farming.

By applying these practices, CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere and stored in plant material and soil organic matter.

Carbon farming is used as a synonym for the term "regenerative agriculture" when it is explicitly based on improving soil fertility and farm productivity.

The European Union has started to encourage its adoption, as it aligns with environmental goals while producing other co-benefits, such as increased water retention capacity of the soil or improved biodiversity, as several studies have shown.

Original article: Coial

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